Spider has a brain tumour and is currently enjoying life with palliative care. We often see patients come in and they just melt your heart with their fabulous characters, and friendliness.
Spider is one of those patients, though she also broke our hearts when we learned of the diagnosis.
We love seeing the pictures of her enjoying life and hope she, her friends and owners enjoy as many happy memories as possible. There was no better way of reporting on Spider than sharing her fantastic e-mail below.
Unfortunately we cannot provide a long term happy ending for every case, but as you can see from the pictures, Spider is living life to the fullest.
Keeping living it up Spider,
Your friends @ vet extra neurology x
17th July 2017 “Hey Jacques
Ssshhhhh it’s me Spider, I am not allowed on Mum’s Mac as my sister Scout trashed her last computer (and the living room) chasing a robin that had got in through the window.
Can you believe that I actually got blamed for that too??? I have been good on the computer since I was a puppy.
Mum says I am not to bother you as you are very busy saving lots of animals but I wanted you to know that I am doing ok and my poo is good. I wanted Mum to send you a photo of my good poo but she says that this is not an ok thing to do.
I had to have some bland food for a few days it was S**T, (were you responsible for that?????), in the end I had to put my paw down and demand better quality food. I got my first 99 ice-cream cone this week – apparently chocolate is bad for you (I am now having some doubts about Mum – what kind of person doesn’t like chocolate?).
I haven’t had any proper seizures for 10 days but I was a little bit sick and then collapsed after my tea on Tuesday. I was still conscious though and could see and hear Mum but I couldn’t get up for a minute. Mum is really worried about my panting, she thinks sometimes my heart might give out.
I have even been training Mum to do new things. If I growl and look at her she throws Dad’s annoying puppy out of the kitchen so that I can have the dog basket all to myself. She picked it up pretty quickly too!
I wanted to sleep on my own last night which I never do which made Mum really sad. I am still going out with the other dogs and helping round the farm and doing my favourite things but I am getting slower.
Ben is coming home to see me on the 28th July but Mum says I might not get to see him to say goodbye.
I have to go now there are tonnes of things to do today ( more sun bathing ) and most importantly – we are going for more ice cream?
(I also edited Mum’s picture for your page as she hadn’t bothered to do it)
**Spider update** 17th August 2017
Hi Jacques
I am still alive and doing good and seizure free and I am so busy. Mum didn’t get your message for a bit as the mac book suffered terminal injuries (not Scouts fault this time) and the washing machine ate her phone (again 🙂
I was already down to one prednisolene every other day. Mum slowly continued to wean me off them as they made me sick and I was not good on the days I took them. Mum says I won’t live as long now but I am not poorly every day and it’s working ok for me and it allows me to sleep.
Mum doesn’t like it when I don’t sleep as she says good sleeping is really important. She bought two new beds for me to do my sleeping in and I share them sometimes with Scout (but not with Dad’s puppy who is even more annoying now because he is the same size as me.)
I got to see Ben and to say good bye to him and it was great, even Mum said it was really good to see him and a good visit (sometimes Ben can be naughtier than Scout – hard to believe I know)
I am still having ice cream every day, Dad pretends to be cross because the freezer is full of it but he is secretly pleased as he helps me eat the ice cream people bring with the chocolate in it.
You don’t have to worry about me getting fat because Mum weighs Scout and me and fat Alice on the horse scales every Tuesday and I do real good (fat Alice not so much).
Mum can’t believe I weigh good as according to her I am eating a lot of rubbish now. Jordana bought me my first Big Mac she says that when she passes her driving test that she will take me for Big Macs every day. (Mum says I am lucky she has only had 5 lessons or I might die of salt poisoning first.)
I have put in some pictures and a video of my good helping, Mum doesn’t always appreciate this and she gives me bones to chew instead (ha ha ha she is soooooo easy to train )
Even though Scout is 10 she is not allowed to do helping jobs like me. Mum says this is because her head is full of nonsense and she can’t be trusted to behave. This means I get to have Mum all to myself a lot more but maybe it would be better to be full of nonsense than a tumour.
I am going to go now so that you can save more dogs and I can do more helping
Spider Dog
PS Next time you go to your Granny’s house don’t hide bones in her couch, apparently this is also not an ok thing to do (they still buy you ice cream though)

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