Any followers of our website may recognise this gorgeous boy. Taylor the Dalmatian had 2 operations with us in quick succession 6 months ago, he was a firm favourite in the ward almost becoming a counsellor for some of the nurses on particularly tough days as he was always such a cuddle monster.

He left us with a little cuddly panda because he was so attached to it and his lovely owners report that little panda is still one of his good friends.

You can see from the pictures that Taylor is doing very well and loving life, he can be seen with his family and his best pony friend Helena having lots of fun at the beach.

Dalmatian Taylor Vet Extra

We wish him and his family many happy times for the future and thank you for the fab updates.

This was our post from June 2016:

It is quite rare to come across a patient requiring 2 types of surgery during the same stay but this gorgeous chap sadly did and so had a bit of a prolonged stay with us.

This little chap is called Taylor and he is a very handsome dalmatian. Taylor presented with a history of an occasional yelp with a sudden onset of pain after slipping in the car which improved but became worse again with other signs.

Dalmatian Taylor Vet Extra

Taylor went for MRI where two areas where his spinal cord was compressed (you can see this in the 2 pictures of his spine in the grid). He was operated on initially for the disc in his neck (bottom picture) as it was suspected this was causing him the greatest amount of pain, so Jacques performed a surgical technique called a ventral slot to decompress his spinal cord.

The discs in his back (top picture) were causing him to be very wobbling so this was addressed the next day by Jacques using a technique called a modified corpectomy performed at both sites of cord compression.

Taylor stayed with us for approximately a week after his second surgery and was kept comfortable with pain relief. He charmed every single nurse in the hospital with his deep eyes and polka dots. As you can see from our photos he made excellent progress walking very well very early on post operatively.

He was the perfect patient with us taking all his medication very well and resting when he was suppose to. He went home with his loving family to recuperate and carry on rehabilitation.

He is a missed patient from the ward a very calming influence on the other patients and gave out calming hugs to the nurses when required.

We are glad he is home where he belongs and can’t wait to hear his updates. We wish him a speedy recovery to enjoy all the things he loves doing.

Vet Extra Neurology

Hello there, thank you for your kind words about Taylor and for looking after him both pre and post surgery.

Huge thanks to Jacques for his knowledge and skills. Taylor is home and recovering well in Quarff, Shetland.

Trying to keep him quiet is a trial but very happy that we’re in that position and that he’s now pain free. He loves the little panda bear donated by you guys and he’s dragged around the house by Taylor – he seems to love his little companion.

What a brilliant team, very highly regarded.

Ingrid, Michael and the Taily boy, xxx

Oh poor Taylor -so pleased he is recovering well, fantastic surgery – often watch these sort of procedures on supervet programme and is always amazing!


Vet Extra Neurology

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