Case Studies

Bella was stood on by a horse!

Bella was stood on by a horse!

Bella came to us as she had been stood on by a horse and she had a fractured vertebrae and a dislocation in her neck!

Oscar is Awesome!

Oscar is Awesome!

It has been a long road to recovery for Oscar after his surgery but he is now looking fantastic

Chip returns for surgery

Chip returns for surgery

It is unusual to see a patient multiple times in such quick succession as we did with our little Chip

Our News Archives

  • We are excited to announce the opening of Vet Extra Neurology, Scotland’s premier veterinary neurology referral service on Monday 4th August 2014. Appointment bookings are now being taken, please contact reception on 01786 445665.
  • Vet Extra Neurology are pleased to announce that we will be working closely with Burgess Diagnostics to provide a State of the Art MRI and CT imaging service for our patients.
  • After 20 years of pioneering work in veterinary neurology, Jacques Penderis was recently awarded the 2014 BSAVA Blaine award for outstanding contributions to the advancement of small animal medicine and surgery. We can be confident that Jacques will look after your clients, patients and pets with the same level of excellence and commitment (hopefully for the next 20 years!).